Attacking Robber Barons
The idea of Robber Baron Castles or Non-Player Castles is to give you practice with attacking and defending. The attacks from RBCs are coded to only come when you are online. They will be triggered when you are online. However, if you come online for a moment to collect taxes or do something minor, you may trigger it to attack, log off and it will appear as if you were attacked offline, but you weren't.
Being that they come when you are online, we do not send support to aid in these attacks. They are set up for you to practice defending. You may of course ask in game for guidance, send reports for tips and advice, but any loss is not going to wipe you out as they are small attacks set to levels.
Defending Tips
Do not panic. You usually have at least 30 minutes to get your ducks in a row. You will see how many troops are coming, then at 20 minutes you should see what is coming. The RBC are not the swiftest of attackers and usually just become an annoyance. If you are under level 25 never do the spy camp event and turn off the attacks for a week because you need the practice. Send any losses to an officer to analysis
Once you are winning these you may chose to do the spy camp event.
As a bottom line the attacks are there to give you coins and XP points. They also can cause misery. It's the time I have to take out good tools and put in my wooden ones, it's a reason for me not to always have my ideal defense set up in place. It has on a few occasions occurred where I reset my defense to have minimal to no losses during the attack and I FORGET to reset to my optimum, advised default set up. Resulting in an attack from a player who regularly stalks...I mean spies certain castles waiting for a chance to attack. Thus being offline and losing said attack.
There are times I just would rather lose a few more troops then take the time to set and then reset. It's a matter of time you have to be on when you see the attack coming, with the need of those troops.
Attacking Tips for all NPC
The levels have the same make up for RBCs and Towers. All level 19, 2 attacks to 20 are the same. You should keep track of their defense formations for yourself. There are other alliance's sites that have ever single report at 100% in all kingdoms. I will not be doing that work putting them on here. Contact me in game if you want their links.
I think that doing a spy report, now that they are very fast is a good idea because factors do change because of commanders. The links are useful if you cannot get 100% or are broke and need to do this attack to get loot and coins. A good suggestions is to keep 4 RBCs on the same level, so you only have to spy one time and they attack them all together.
The RBC will give you many different varieties of defense set ups, using different tools and troops. You will sometimes see defense set ups with attackers. Don't be fooled into thinking that sending defenders is the way to attack that castle. Always remember that troops have specific jobs, an attacker attacks, a defender defends. Let them do what they were designed for.
As you attack your levels increase. You can achieve rubies, coins and equipment in addition to resources from RBC, the higher the level the better the prize. There are also achievements for the levels you reach. Attacking NPC is a great source of revenue. Hitting them regularly will replace collecting taxes as your main source of revenue.
For attack formations and spy reports click on the Robber Baron tab on our USAJ Wiki page.
Looting For Coins
A major part of this game are coins; they are use for pretty much everything from recruiting troops, sending resources,and sending attacks, etc... There is a wide variety of ways for players to earn coins, these include:
Collecting Taxes
Completing quests
Competing in events
Attacking robber baron castles
Successfully defending against enemy attacks
Clicking on citizens to collect coins from them
Daily login bonus
Looting is very importantant, it can be the difference between a average player and a great player. Having plenty of coins to recruit troops will determine how well you do in this game. Although it would seem that building dwellings would solve you issue for having plenty of coins, and collecting the taxes. This is a mistake that alot of players make, dwellings cause you to lose the production of resources, and food. Of course that means having lower food production decreases the amount of troops you have in you castles and outpost. This game is all about having the troops to compete, if you can't attack you are a player who just watches other players win battles, events. If you want to be one of those players who wins the battles, wins the events you will need to become a heavy looter
Here is the heavy looter method:
Always be attacking something ( Robber Baron Castles, Nomad Canps, Samuari Camps, Breimond Invasion Camps
Have your Robbor Barons castles in the Green up to atleast level 25
Always have at least 15 RBC's ( Robber Baron Castles) at the same level.
Have 15 towers in the other kingdoms at the same level
Attack your RBC's and Towers as much a possible
Try to attack the Fortresses in (Ice, Sand, Fire) as much as you can.
Attack ruined players for there resources and coins
Always send loot sacks and carts when you are attacking for loot
Purchase the Marauder if you can afford to spend the rubies