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Robber Barons

The web page created shows spy & battle reports of Robber Baron Castles (RBC). The enemies created at the castles are not randomly generated, so the information shown here can be re-used by replicating the attack shown or by attacking using your own strategy. The following tips are used to decide how an RBC has to be attacked.


Using the right unitsEach attacking unit can attack using melee weapons or ranged weapons. As a result, each unit has two defense values; one for how well they do against melee attacks and another for ranged attacks. Typically, melee defenders such as halberdiers are good units to defend against melee attackers and ranged defenders such as longbowmen are good against ranged attackers. As a result, its good to send the right units, i.e, sending bowmen against macemen. Units such as armed citizens have poor defence against both attack types, so either melee or ranged attackers can be used.


The courtyard bonus: Attacking and winning 3 flanks will give the attacker a 30% bonus, 2 flanks will give no bonus, 1 flank will give a -30% bonus. Any surviving troops from the attacker and defender are sent to the courtyard for a final attack. For this reason, most of the attack approaches have attacked 2 flanks, and sometimes 3 flanks where a 30% attack bonus is useful at the courtyard. 


Dummy waves: The attack approaches, presented in this page, sometimes suggest sending a lone maceman or spearman in the first wave, followed by a stronger attack on the second wave. This technique nullifies the defensive tools used by RBs, and can reduce the number of seige tools used, given that siege tools must overcome the RB's defensive tools. RBCs have defence tools for only one wave, so if a unit is sacrificed, the defence tools will be used up for the second wave. It does not matter which unit is sent as a sacrifice, but spearmen are the cheapest and fastest unit produced. Lets say for example the wall is at 126% and two defense rocks were used, after the defense rocks were used in the first wave, the wall is now at 76%, so on the second wave, one would only need 8 ladders instead of 13. Some players consider using tools on RBCs a waste, given that the loss of army is relatively small .


Loot: You get the same loot for an RBC of a certain level, regardless of how many attacks are needed to advance it to the next level. There is a maximum loot (wood, stone and food) for each RB level, so once you have reached the maximum, sending more troops will not get you more loot and will waste coins in sending them. If you don't send enough troops you won't get the maximum. You get the same number of gold coins for a victory, regardless of the number of surviving troops. The loot is split as follows: 22% (±5%) wood, 22% (±5%) stone, 56% (±10%) food for a total of 100%. The bonuses on your commanders may affect the results listed in these reports:

Great Empire Spy Reports


       Attack Formations

   Everwinter Spy Reports


       Attack Formations

Burning Sands Spy Reports


       Attack Formations

   Fire Peaks Spy Reports


       Attack Formations

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