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Tool Guide

I cannot even begin to express the importance of tools. Whether it’s defending or attacking, using tools can make the difference in losing a few soldiers and losing hundreds (or even thousands) of soldiers! In this week’s lesson we will break down every aspect of tool use and teach you the importance of why you should ALWAYS use them.

We will cover:
-          Tool basics (what does what, why you should use them)
-          Defense tools and how to set them up in your castle
-          Attack tools and how to determine what to send


Tool Basics

    Tools are used to add bonuses (attack or defense) to you soldiers allowing them to be better equipped for battle. Just like soldiers, tools can be produced at all of your castles and it is recommended that you produce tools just as often as you recruit soldiers! If you are a ruby buyer, you can instantly purchase even stronger tools from the menu and occasionally from the armorer. Tools as one of the most important parts of Empire, yet, so few realize this. Those who do, take advantage of them and reap the benefits tremendously!

Defense Tools

Defense tools give your soldiers bonuses when defending attacks. There are tools that boost wall defense, gate defense, ranged defenders defense and moat protection bonuses.  When used together, these tools can make your castle almost impregnable!

Using defense tools:
-     Only 1 tool per slot per wave is used when being attacked. Whether you have 1 or 100 of the same tool, it will make no difference. 
-     Since a maximum of 4 waves may be sent, it is a good idea to have at least 4 tools in each slot at all times, and an even better idea to keep 12+ in case of multiple attacks on your castle. 
-     To put this simply, you should have at least 12 tools in every slot of each occupied section of your castles AT ALL TIMES. Even if they are the basic tools, they are still better than nothing. 
-     Keep in mind that sections of your wall that do not have soldiers do not need tools. So if you are using the 0-0-100 setup, you will only need tools in the 100% section.
-     Again, you should be producing tools around the clock! I try to have 100 of each tool at all times in all my castles! 


Attack Tools

Attack tools are used for one thing, and one thing only, the cancellation of your opponents defense bonuses. You can see their defense bonuses from your espionage reports and from this, determine the exact number and type of tools to send on your attacks!

How do I know which tools to use?
-          Use scaling latters, siege towers, and belfries to cancel out wall defense bonuses.
-          Use mantlets, cast iron mantlets, and shield walls to cancel out ranged defender bonuses.
-          Use battering rams, iron rams, and heavy rams to cancel out gate defense bonuses.
-          Use wood bundles, assault bridges, and boulders to cancel out moat defense bonuses.
-          Banners and war banners increase the glory earned from battle.
-          Loot sacks and loot carts increase the amount of looted resources gained during attacks

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