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Food Management

1. Why do I need food?
You need food to feed your troops. More food you have more troops you can keep. If you run out of food your troops will die.

2. Who eats food?
Troops eat food. (I think the best definition is units which you can move from one castle to another are troops).

3. Citizens/ people in dwellings eat food?

Citizens or dwellers do not consume food. Armed citizens or the upgraded version of armed citizen - militia -also does not consume food.


4. What buildings produce food?

Farm houses and granary produce food. Farm houses are unlocked from level 1. You have to reach legendry level 11 to unlock granary.


5. What is a farm house?
Farmhouse is the production building which produce food. You can upgrade farmhouse up to level 10. Higher levels produce more food. You can build farmhouses in any castle.


6. How many farm houses I can make?
The number of farmhouses you can make is limitless. But it is advised not to make many. Production decreases gradually.


7. What is a Field?
Field indicates how much food production is possible in a castle, outpost, capital etc. there is very big > large > medium and small sized fields even though you ran out of food or over produce (more than storage can hold) they will not vanish.


8. Size of the field determines number of production buildings?
When you hour over the field it will show how much production buildings are possible in castle. Very big= 8 farmhouses, large = 6 farm houses, medium = 3 farmhouses, small 2 farmhouses. You do not have to follow this rule. The number indicates how many farmhouses can work up to 100% production.


9. What is workload?
Workload is the % of production of resources per hour. 100% workload is the maximum. The more you build the same type of production buildings, over the field size, the workload will be lesser. Ex: 6 food 2 wood outpost can have 6 farm house working up to 100% workload. The 7th farmhouse will have less than 100% workload.


10. What is flour mill?
Flour mill increase the % of food production in farm houses. (Level 1)10% >20% >30%.... 60% (level 6)


11. What is a bakery?
Bakery will reduce the % food troops consume. At level 1 it will reduce the food consumption by -5%. At level 8 its -40%.


12. What are the food related researches?
Plow  increase the amount of food produced per hour in your main castle. (Research tower level one/3 levels/ max +96 foods per hour)

Three field crop rotation- increase the productivity of your farm houses at all castles. (Research tower level 2/ 5 levels/ max +20%)


13. How to send food to alliance members?
If you have extra food, you can send to your alliance members. Go to worlds map> click the castle where you want to send food> click send resources icon> send. To send more food at once upgrades your marketplace to unlock more market barrows. You can buy more market barrows from kings market. There are researches which increase market barrow capacity (reinforced axle) and market barrow speed (Wheel tire).


14. Can I send food to other maps?
If you have unlocked other maps, you can send food. The traveling cost will be very high. Sometimes its half the resources what you send. To send food to other maps, go to kingdom map, click the map you want to send food> click send resources button> send. You can send food from any map to any map.


15. Do public order items increase food production?
Yes. Public order increases the resources production. So more public order you have more production is possible.


16. Can I loot only food?
Yes. You can choose which resources to loot from around level 20. So if you choose to loot only food then you will get total loot capacity of food. To increase the loot you can research loot related researches, add loot sack or loot cart to your army or add a loot commander etc.


17. Coat of arms symbols give food boost?
Yes. There are symbols which increases the food production. Fish symbol +4% food productions, sea horse symbol +8% food productions, unicorn head +22% food production, sun symbol 30% food production.


18. Activating VIP increase food production?
Yes. By activating vip, will give you food production bonus according to your vip level.
Level 1 +5% food production in main castle, level 10 +30% food production in all castles.


19. Less than 10% workload is not good?
Usually players do not build less than 10% workload production buildings. They produce very little amount of resources. It is better to use the space for decorative items.


20. What is a trade metropolis?
Trading metropolis is similar to a capital. But it gives food boost to all alliance members. Trading metropolis gives +100 food per hour. And if your alliances have 2 then its +200, they stack.


21. Do Troops in hospital eat food?
Troops in the hospital do not consume food.


22. What happen to troops if I run out of food?
Your troops will die. But not all of them will die. The production will be matched to consumption and the excess will be deleted. If you have hospital, they will be sent to hospital.


The order of the troops die in starvation is as follows:

- troops in your main castle.

- troops travelling, that were sent from the main castle or are on the way to the main castle.
- troops in wood/stone RVs
- troops that were sent from the wood or stone RVs
- troops in your food RVs
- troops that were sent from the food RVs.


And in each case: troops with lower food consumption desert first.


23. Support troops consume food from sender?
Your support troops stationed in your alliance members castles consume food from the castle where you send them. Not from the castle where they are stationed.


24. Ran out of food on the way, what will happen?
They will die. If they were on their way to attack, then no battle. If they were on their way back then no loot.


25. I bought rubies, gave me bunch of troops, cant feed them all!
You must be careful when buying rubies. Usually when you buy rubies, you will be given all the special offer troops. So suddenly you will have 100s of troops in your main castle and you might face food shortage. So keep an eye on the special offer add s when purchasing rubies.


26. Can I Delete troops to prevent starving?
You can delete troops to prevent starvation. But this is not a good method. It is better at least send them to die in a battle so you can get some glory. Or most effective method is to use them to farm non payer castles or ruins.


27. How to check how much food is produced per hour?
By hovering over the food production tab at the top of the window will show you how much food is produces and how much is consumed per hour. And also the balance.


How to increase food production:

- Build more farm houses/ Upgrade farm houses
- Build flourmill/ Upgrade flourmill
- Build bakery and upgrade
- Build granary when unlocked and upgrade
- Build more decorative items
- Do research
- Hire overseer
- Capture rvs
- Capture 8 food or 6 food rvs
- Capture emporium
- Change coat of arms symbol
- Activate VIP

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