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Undertanding Equipment



Equipment is a very important part of attacking and defending. You use equipment to build commanders to attack and castellans to defend. Your equipment is very important to our alliances strength. Our goal is for all of our members to have at least 1 90/90 commander and at least 1 90/90 castellan assigned to your main castle.

The ways to obtain equipment are:

1.Alliance Smithy: Once a day you can obtain new equipment for a fee.

2. Robber Baron Attacks: This includes NPC in other Kingdoms known as Towers. Generally the higher the RBC the better the equipment.

3. Daily Log-in

4. Daily Rewards

5. Equipment Trader: Event tent that will sell equipment packages of different value for rubies.


6.) Participating in events. 

Upgrading your equipment:

1. Technicus Event: Random event that you can smithy your own equipment to upgrade it's bonuses

2. Personal Smithy: You can smithy your own equipment to make different/better equipment.
[add picture]

3 ordinary = 1 different ordinary @ 10 coins
6 ordinary = 1 rare @ 25 coins
3 rare = 1 different rare @
6 rare = 1 epic @ 2500 coins
3 epic = 1 different epic @
6 epic = 1 legendary @ 20,000 coins
3 legendary = 1 different legendary @ 25,000

You cannot Smithy 6 legendary to make something else, as of right now you cannot forge Unique gear.

You can now sell equipment. If you have no more room to hold equipment or need fast cash this can help.


Unique sells for 12,000 coins
Legendary sells for 6,000 coins
Epic sells for 1000 coins
Rare sells for 250
Ordinary sells for 25

Ordinary gives you one bonus, Rare gives you two, Epic gives you three and Legendary gives you three also but should be superior.

Unique equipment is equipment earned from events and cannot be obtained through the usually ways for getting equipment. It can also be upgraded by technicus.

Equipment is divided up as commander and castellan equipment, meaning some are for attacking and others for defending.

Some for commanders are:

Attack power, melee or ranged
Lowering castle gates protection
Lowering castle walls protection
Lowering castle moat protection
Increasing speed of travel
Lowering cost of attack
Increasing looting of resources
Finding better equipment
Increased fires, glory and honor
etc., if some missed

Some for castellans are:
Increased wall protection
Increased gate protection
Increased moat protection
Increased defense power, melee or ranged
Increased speed to capture (for OPs)
Decreased occupying time (for OPs)
Decreased fires
Decrease loss of resources
etc. if some missed



How to use your equipment




You can have up to 15 commanders in the game. Those of which you can chose personal names for if you choose to. You get 3 commanders per Encampment level you have in your main castle.


A good idea is to build up your commanders to do specific jobs:

For example, have commanders that:

1. Speed - Commanders for speed that help me get to rvs and be of support to alliance mates faster

2. Ranged Power - Commanders that are specific for increased ranged attack power - good for desert fortress and nomads, and other attacks that utilize the mantlets strategy.

3. Melee Power -  It's good to have one for specific attacks. 

4. 90/90 Melee and Ranged attack power - This should be another mandatory commander.

5. Loot specialist - Having one commander that finds better items and increased resources is a great idea. I merged mine together but if you have an extra commander then you can have one that is a loot specialist and one that is a...

6. Find better items - see loot specialist.

7. Fire Castellan - Castellan that reduces the fires - 100% means they attack and no fire. Good to use with poor man's open gates and against the Super/god Commander.

8. Increased capture seed and reduce occupation time - specialist to capture Outpost or RT, Metros and Capitals


9. Dud commander- one to send on shady arrangements or martyr attacks to take down tools. Or if you are going to station troops for a long time (12 hrs) good to use as no equipment can be used in those support missions. Nothing extraordinary about this one, just whatever it takes to get an achievement with him


You can have equipment in reserve for special things and customize from your default commanders per whatever situation arises.

How to Build a 90/90 Commander



You can build a 90/90 commander by placing strong pieces of equipment you have earn from events together and using The Technicus to level them up. Unique and Legendary equipment are the best pieces to get when trying to get you 90/90 commander. 

The easiest way to obtain a 90/90 commander is by saving you tokens and tablets from the Samuari, Nomad events to get quality pieces. It is important that you do not buy deco pieces or trade you token/tablets in for coins. These pieces can cost upwaard to 7000 token/tablets per piece. This is why you need to start saving tokens/tablets right away. 

Example :







































Equipment Stats

Samurai commander (fully teched):

90% melee, 90% range, 81% wall reduction, 28% moat reduction, 58% speed, 46% late detection, 
Hero is 10% for both, full set gives +20% courtyard.

Note: There are better 90/90 out ther. These are just the easiest to obtain.



Building a Castellan is necessary for each of your properties in the game. It's good to try to build up your Main the strongest you can possibly do as it will get attacked the most. You can gauge what get's attacked the second most and use your equipment that way.


It's important to understand when you don't need equipment. If you have captured all your OPs, you don't need any castellan equipment that shortens occupation time or increases the speed of a capture. You should smithy all that or sell it.


In the same way, you don't need castellan equipment that increases your moat protection if you have no moat, however if you get something good, you will want to hold onto it for when you get your moat. 


As you go into other kingdoms you may not have them as developed as some of your castles in green, a good strategy is to equip your castellans with what you are lacking. For example if you haven't upgraded your gate in sands you might want to give that castellan gate bonuses. Or if you are dealing with wooden walls (and I hope not) somewhere you want to use wall bonuses. 


You should always look to increase your melee and ranged bonuses. 


In case of an attack always rebuild your castellan to meet the attack if you have time, even if you are dismantling other castles to make the one under attack the strongest possible.


How to build a 90/90 Castellan

You can build a 90/90 castellan by placing strong pieces of equipment you have earn from events together and using The Technicus to level them up. Unique and Legendary equipment are the best pieces to get when trying to get you 90/90 commander. 

The easiest way to obtain a 90/90 castellan is by saving you tokens and tablets from the Samuari, Nomad events to get quality pieces. It is important that you do not buy deco pieces or trade you token/tablets in for coins. These pieces can cost upwaard to 7000 token/tablets per piece. This is why you need to start saving tokens/tablets right away. 






























Equipement Stats:


Samurai castellan (fully teched) : 

90% melee, 90% range, 50% moat protection, 100% wall protection, 27% gate protection, 46% early warning
Hero gives an extra +10% melee/range , and full 5 piece set bonus includes +20% courtyard strength 

Note: There are better 90/90 out ther. These are just the easiest to obtain.



Lastly, don't under estimate the importance of equipment it is usually the decider of the outcomes of battles. Equipment unlike tools carries on to the courtyard battle.






There are 8 levels of gems and you can get gems, when attacking Robber barons, Barbarian towers, etc, and these vary in quality from lowest level 1’s to highest level 5’s.

Categories :

There are 2 main categories which we can divide all Gems – one category for Castellans and one category for Commanders

Note :

It is important to note that once you use the gem to upgrade your castellan or commander piece of equipment you will not get it back if you wish to put another gem and the effect oif the previous gem will be lost and replaced by the new gem effect

Uses :

Sometimes after attacking many robber barons you will end up having lots of gems instead of equipment and therefore you cannot forge new equipment. For the daily tasks it is sufficient to forge gems to get the 5 points for one of the daily tasks, so at least the low level 1 gems are of good use for something

The Most Important Types :

There are various types of gem effects and listed below are the most important ones to have on your castellan and commander equipment

Commander Gems:

  • Increase troop limit on the flanks by XX%

  • Increase the troop limit on the front by XX%

  • Increase the combat strength of attackers in the courtyard by XX%

  • Increases the travel speed on the return journey by XX%

  • Increases the chance of finding better equipment by XX%

  • Increases the fire damage caused by XX%

  • Increases the army’s looting capacity by XX


Castellan Gems:

  • Increase the number of defenders on the walls by XX%

  • Increase the combat strength of defenders in courtyard by XX%

  • Increase the capacity of castle's secure storage by XX%

  • Reduces the fire damage received by XX%


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