Adventures ( Relics)
The relics can be obtained completing the quest "Adventure" (bottom right buton). To obtain parts of map you must defeat Robber Baron Castles. You must obtain all the parts of a map to access to the quest, which you then must defeat castles, and repair bridges to complete the "Adventure" and obtain the relic.
Depending the level of the castle you have more or less possibilities of getting a part of the map. Each map have a specific number of parts, having more the later relics.
These are the relics that you can obtain in order of apparition:
Name PO Size
Ancient relic: 14 3x3
King Pig 18 3x3
War Banner 22 3x3
The Clever Wives 26 3x3
Flat Earth 52 4x4
Brave Farmer 35 35 3x3
Robber Captain 40 3x3
Honorable Warrior 41 3x3
EverWinter Glacier adventure map
True friends :42